Incidentally a Merry Christmas to all of you at home!
And now that's out of the way we can blow our own trumpet and shout that not only do you have a brand new issue of The Terrible Zodin to read but Issue 9 is our 2 year anniversary.
Thank you to all the writers and artists who have contributed to the zine over the years and thank you of course to you dear reader for supporting the zine. We hope you've enjoyed the ride.
We'll be on hiatus for a while (Don't worry no Season 23 hysterics, we're just abroad for the Holidays!) but that just gives you plenty of time to read TTZ9! And if you enjoy the issue and want to be a part of this then get in touch at Writers, artists and ideas are always wanted.
In this festive issue we bring you exclusive interviews with writer Una McCormack and with fearsome pirate Archie the Space Badger. Our regular series of paper dolls focuses on Tegan and there's a brand new feature called No! Not The Mind Probe! Steven Sautter and the mysterious Susie Who return with their columns covering Character Options and the Greatest Doctor Who Stories That Never Were.
We bring you comic strips, poetry, prose fiction, reviews, silliness and analysis. We run the gamut of the Whoniverse from Carnival of Monsters on Ice!, a grudge match between the Raston Warrior Robots and the Weeping Angels and facing off with the Raknoss.
Once you've enjoyed all that don't forget we've also got an fantastic freebie to giveaway with our own board game - Logopoly.
Click here to download The Terrible Zodin #9 (Winter 2010)
06 December 2010
05 December 2010
Collect 200 Grotzits. Allons-Y!
The Terrible Zodin is proud to present an exciting bonus feature just in time for Christmas.
Click the link below to download a zip file containing everything you need for your very own version of Doctor Who Monopoly. (Download winzip for free if you have trouble accessing this folder).
And if that weren't exciting enough there is a brand new issue of The Terrible Zodin which will be released very soon!
TTZ9 Presents Doctor Who Logopoly
Click the link below to download a zip file containing everything you need for your very own version of Doctor Who Monopoly. (Download winzip for free if you have trouble accessing this folder).
And if that weren't exciting enough there is a brand new issue of The Terrible Zodin which will be released very soon!
TTZ9 Presents Doctor Who Logopoly
01 December 2010
Hold On, Hold On... Oh, I Know! Merry Christmas!
Where can you find River Song, Sontarans, Robot Santas, Dr Who, The Meddling Monk, The Master, Cybermen, the Hand of Omega, Sharez Jek, Spaceport G715, Voc Robots, Vervoids, Bessie, Sonic Lipstick, Daleks, Captain Jack, Liz Ten & Bad Wolf all in one place?
Why in Issue 9 of The Terrible Zodin! Coming soon.
Why in Issue 9 of The Terrible Zodin! Coming soon.