31 October 2010


Filden our hosting site seems to have contracted a virus. Please DO NOT attempt to download any back issues. We're going to move to new host shortly. We apologise for this.

27 October 2010

TTZ9 ...

Hello everyone,

Hope you are well. Just a reminder that our deadline for the next issue of TTZ is less than a month away (I can't believe it!!). Please have your stuff in by no later than 20th November. You can e-mail us at theterriblezodinezine (at) yahoo.co.uk, send us a message on Facebook, or find us on Twitter.

Many thanks!
Your editor

17 October 2010

Incidentally... A Merry Christmas To All Of You At Home!

Issue 9 of The Terrible Zodin is tentatively scheduled for release on 5th December 2010. We're looking to publish a collaborative festive article so we want YOUR favourite Doctor Who Christmas memories. Whether it's about the episodes aired at Christmas, any of the short stories from the Big Finish Christmas collections, or perhaps it's memories of going out in the snow with your Dalek toys or finding a target novelisation in your stocking we want to hear from you.

Email us at theterriblezodinezine@yahoo.co.uk with your Christmas Doctor Who memories, please keep them to approximately 200ish words and the best will be published in TTZ9.

07 October 2010

Bandwidth! Comfy Chair! Give Us Your Money!

Well it looks like we exceeded our bandwidth in less than 7 days!

Fear not though dear readers as due to the increased demand (which is all very humbling), we've upgraded our account and you should once again be able to download TTZ8 and indeed, the 7 back issues as well!

If you enjoyed the zine, please do give us some feedback.

Several readers have contacted us and asked whether we'd consider doing paper copies of the zine. Well I guess that's down to YOU! Let us know if you would be willing to pay (production and postage costs only) for a paper version of TTZ and whether you'd pay for that full color or black and white. It's that feedback which will determine whether it's an option we pursue. Comments here or to theterriblezodinezine@yahoo.co.uk please.

In the meantime our Editor Leslie McMurtry has been moonlighting as a new columnist for US webzine Comfy Chair. Check out The Cranky Yank In Doctor Who Land!

Finally we've been given a little mini review on the Fish Fingers & Custard home page.


02 October 2010

The Terrible Zodin # 8 (Autumn 2010)

Ladies, Gentlemen, Trees and Multiforms it is with great pleasure that I announce Issue 8 of The Terrible Zodin is now live and available for free download.

Apologies that we're 2 days behind the promised date, I won't bore you with the technical details of the problems we have but must crave your indulgence that anything past Page 73 will be prone to the occasional typo. We will in time upload a corrected version being the perfectionists that we are but now you're all terribly excited to just get on and read!

This issue is dedicated to the period between production of TV series 1990 - 2003. Whilst many call it The Wilderness Years I hope this issue proves it was anything but. Indeed I hope you're sitting comfortably because TTZ8 is a whopping Target novelization sized 104 pages!

We bring you the concluding part of our interview with Paul Cornell and have a new exclusive interview with Lance Parkin. We sing the praises of the New Adventures, debate canon, dissect the theme tune and throw ourselves in to the Timelash!

Regular columnists Tony Gallichan and Steve Sautter are on board and we're pleased to announce a new member to join their roster, the mysterious Susie Who who'll be coming from the perspective of a casual viewer rather than a hardcore fan.

I could go on and on (I've not mentioned Adric, Ianto, Drashigs, Fitz and fellow fanzines) but why not just read it yourself.

Please click below to download this issue and get ready... for the Cyberman Walk.


We experienced some technical difficulties. People seem to be able to access if they right click to download so please try that rather than trying to read in browser. Thank you all for your patience.

The Terrible Zodin # 8