Hello all!
The issue is finally done and available for download here. ***ETA: now Johanna's name is correct. Sorry, Johanna!
In it, you can find an interview with Ben Aaronovitch (yes, THAT Ben Aaronovitch), a short story by Simon Guerrier, articles by Jamie Beckwith, Lori S. Jansen, Ariann, Johanna Ahonen, and Evan Keraminas, and art by Liz Wride and Lori S. Jansen. Plus paper dolls, art, articles, and all manner of stuff by me!
I have tried very hard to eliminate typos and formatting errors, however if you spot any I won't be offended if you bring them to my attention. Comment here or e-mail me at scots_rock_god@msn.com. Or e-mail me with any feedback, bad, good, or in between.
I really hope you enjoy. The contributors and I have worked very hard on this.
Raise a glass today to 45 years of Doctor Who--and read the mag to celebrate!